
's are my fave.

Bucket List (BIMAL)

What you guys should probably know is that I have a brother, Aaron, who died in car accident before i got to know him. So where as everyone else calls it their "Bucket List," to me it is a "Before I Meet Aaron" list. (:
1.) Not Cut Life Shorter than it already is.
2.) Meet Jane Goodall.
3.) Ride an elephant
4.) Go to at least 15-20 concerts
5.) Hold an orangutan
6.) Swim with dolphins & beluga whales
7.) Live in Australia
8.) Travel Europe
9.) Spend a day in each state
10.) Attend an art gallery
11.) Dye hair a crazy color
12.) Climb a mountain
13.) Meet an actor/actress
14.) Save a life
15.) Enroll in a hotdog eating contest
16.) Attend a protest
17.) Get front row seats in the Yankee Stadium
18.) Attend an Ohio State vs. Michigan game
19.) Join Kickboxing
20.) See the Mona Lisa
21.) Skydive/ Bungee Jump
22.) Go on a hot air balloon
23.) Ride a ferry
24.) Learn how to belly dance
25.) Wear Nerd Glasses for a year, claiming that they’re prescription
26.) Live in lofoten, norway.
27.) Visit Italy, Norway, Greece, Paris
28.) Read 1,000,000 books
29.) Change someone's life.
30.) Not wear make up for a year
31.) Live in a foreign place for 6 months (not knowing the language)
32.) Take 100 pictures of  the Eiffel Tower in person
33.) Visit both the North & South Poles
34.) Learn how to play Beethoven's 9th
35.) Stay in Walden
36.) Live in woods for a week, containing only my Bible, my journal, my camera, and pens.
37.) Read Bible front to back in a summer.
38.) Marry a Christian man
39.) Walk the Camine De Santiago and the Pilgramage to Rome.
40.) Have a comic collection.
41.) List my every sin for a  month.
42.) Visit Albion.
43.) Learn Caramel Mocha Commercial thinger.
44.) Be legit dressed up as an Avatar.
45.) Go to the Netherlands, claiming it's Neverland; dressed up as Peter Pan,
46.) Learn Oh Canada.
47.) Know how to do The Hot Chick handshake.
48.) See Hillsong in concert
49.) Have a mud fight.
50.) Ride an elephant.
51.) Get my tattoos (Side, Chinese Symbol, upper back, behind ear, ankle)
52.) Bike the Wall of China
53.) Be part of a flash mob.

54.) Go to at least 1,000 Young Life Events.
55.) Keep a Dream Journal for a year.
56.) Spend a week, recording my every thought.
57.) Ride a turtle.
58.) Attend a masquerade.
59.) Learn to break dance.
60.) Go an entire year having the exact amount of servings/ food pyriamid i'm supposed to have everyday.
61.) Raise enough money to buy 100 Toms shoes, and donate all but one pair.
62.) Have an awesome garden.
63.) Be able to do the splits.
64.) Visit all the states in Ohio.
65.) Be able to play Somewhere Over the Rainbow
66.) Learn Karate/ Kung- Fu
67.) Attempt to do at least 200 of the 474 things to do when you're bored.
68.) Do all Just Dance (1/2) songs in one day.
69.) Adopt kids.
70.) Sacrifice something every month for at least 2 years.
71.)Not Have fast food for five years.
72.) Buy a stranger a full tank of gas.
73.) Buy an entire outfit and groceries for a homeless person.
74.) Write an anonymous love poem.
75.) Have an elephant remember me.
76.) See a healer.
77.) Not talk unless spoken to for an entire mo;nth.
78.) Do The 100 Workout;